Class 10 Geography Chapter 6 Question Answer (Updated NCERT)

Get the latest Class 10 Geography Chapter 6 Question Answer here that you can follow up to score good marks in your CBSE board examinations. Class 10 Geography Chapter 6 Question Answer is very important for class 10 students and along with the CBSE board it is also important for understanding our Manufacturing Industries and their working.


Class 10 Geography Chapter 6 Question Answer (Manufacturing Industries)

1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Which one of the following industries uses limestone as a raw material?

a) Aluminium (b) Cement (c ) Sugar (d) Jute

Solution: (b) Cement

(ii) Which one of the following industries manufactures telephones, computers, etc?

a) Steel (b) Electronic (c ) Aluminium (d) Information Technology

Solution: (b) Electronic

2. Answer the following briefly in not more than 30 words.

(i) What is manufacturing?


Manufacturing is the production of goods in large quantities after processing raw materials to produce more valuable products. For example, paper is manufactured from wood, sugar from sugarcane, iron and steel from iron ore, and aluminum from bauxite.

(ii) What are the basic industries? Give an example.


Basic or key industries are the industries that supply their product or raw materials to manufacture other goods.

For example, iron and steel industries provide iron and steel to other industries as raw materials.

3. Write the answers to the following questions in 120 words.

(i) How do industries pollute the environment?


Industries are responsible for four types of pollution:

  1. Air
  2. Water
  3. Land
  4. Noise

Many undesirable gases, such as sulfur dioxide carbon monoxide, and airborne particulate matter cause air pollution.

Water pollution is caused by organic and inorganic industrial wastes and effluents discharged into water bodies. Paper, refineries, and tanneries are the main culprits.

Soil and water pollution are closely related. The dumping of waste makes the soil useless for agricultural activities. The pollutants then reach the groundwater through the soil and contaminate it.

Noise pollution is caused by industrial machinery and construction activities.

(ii) Discuss the steps to be taken to minimize environmental degradation by industry.


The steps that can be taken to minimize environmental degradation by industries are given below:

  1. Adopting the latest techniques and upgrading existing equipment to improve energy efficiency.
  2. Providing green belts for nurturing ecological balance.
  3. Particulate matter in the air can be reduced by fitting smokestacks to factories with electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, scrubbers, and inertial separators.
  4. Using silencers for noise-generating equipment.
  5. Minimizing water usage by reusing and recycling it in two or more successive stages.
  6. Harvesting of rainwater to meet water requirements
  7. Treating hot water and effluents before releasing them in rivers and ponds. Treatment of industrial effluents can be done in three phases
  • Primary treatment by mechanical means. This involves screening, grinding, flocculation, and sedimentation.
  • Secondary treatment by biological process Tertiary treatment by biological, chemical, and physical processes.
  • This involves the recycling of wastewater.

Class 10 Geography Chapter 6 Question Answer

    Quick Revision: Class 10 Geography Chapter 6 – Manufacturing Industries

    Manufacturing industries form the backbone of economic development by converting raw materials into valuable products. This chapter highlights the importance, types, and distribution of industries in India, along with their challenges and environmental impacts.

    1. Importance of Manufacturing Industries

    • Enhances economic growth and national income.
    • Provides employment opportunities.
    • Boosts exports and foreign exchange earnings.
    • Encourages the development of infrastructure and other sectors.

    2. Types of Industries

    • Based on Raw Materials:
      • Agro-Based: Cotton, jute, sugar, textile industries.
      • Mineral-Based: Iron and steel, cement, and aluminum industries.
    • Based on Ownership:
      • Public Sector: Managed by the government (e.g., SAIL).
      • Private Sector: Owned by individuals or corporations (e.g., Tata Steel).
      • Joint Sector: Shared ownership by public and private entities (e.g., Oil India).
      • Cooperative Sector: Owned by a group of producers or suppliers (e.g., Amul).
    • Based on Size:
      • Small Scale Industries (SSI): Cottage industries, handicrafts.
      • Large Scale Industries: Steel, automobile, textile industries.
    • Class 10 Geography Chapter 6 Question Answer

    3. Major Industries in India

    • Iron and Steel Industry:
      • Considered the backbone of modern industrial development.
      • Key centers: Jamshedpur, Bhilai, Rourkela.
    • Textile Industry:
      • Largest agro-based industry in India.
      • Centers: Mumbai, Surat, Kanpur.
    • Sugar Industry:
      • India is one of the largest producers of sugar.
      • Major areas: Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka.
    • Automobile Industry:
      • Produces cars, buses, trucks, etc.
      • Major hubs: Chennai, Gurgaon, Pune.

    4. Industrial Pollution and Environmental Degradation

    • Causes:
      • Air pollution from emissions.
      • Water pollution from industrial waste.
      • Soil contamination due to dumping of hazardous waste.
      • Noise pollution from machinery.
    • Measures to Control Pollution:
      • Use of pollution control devices.
      • Proper disposal and treatment of waste.
      • Recycling and reuse of water in industries.
      • Adherence to environmental laws and regulations.

    5. Industrial Location

    • Factors influencing location:
      • Availability of raw materials.
      • Proximity to markets.
      • Supply of labor.
      • Access to power and infrastructure.

    6. National Industrial Policies

    • New Industrial Policy (1991): Focused on liberalization, privatization, and globalization.
    • Emphasis on reducing government control and encouraging foreign investment.
    Class 10 Geography Chapter 6 Question Answer

    Key Terms to Remember

    • Agro-Based Industries
    • Mineral-Based Industries
    • Small Scale and Large Scale
    • Pollution Control
    • Industrial Clusters

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